Saturday, April 10, 2010

Out of hibernation...HELLO SPRING!

Spring has arrived here in the Northeast in its typical abrupt and noncommital manner.  We had enough rain two weeks ago to last us all year, dried out with 90+ degrees Wednesday, and by tomorrow we'll be back into the 40s...but at least it's sunny.  Crazy, but I'll take it - the trees are blooming, the bulbs are flowering, the tourists have arrived, and...Johnathan Adler's new store on Newburry Street is open to all!  Life is good.

I just love everything Jonathan Adler - who doesn't?    His manifesto is a message of required happiness with a dash of frivolity -- just walking into the store is enough to lift someone from deep despair to giddiness in a manner of seconds.  It's a welcome message and feeling after the dark cloud we've all been living under for a few years now.  If you live in the Boston area, be sure to stop by - they're even having a sale right now!  And be sure to pick up a copy of his book - My Prescription for Antidepressive Living - great Pictures.  Powerful ideas for life
In keeping with the themes of this blog - affordable GOOD design - Adler has a wonderful  line of sofas that come in both apartment and standard sizes and start at 
only $2,200.  Fabulous, affordable, good design.  They've got this one in the store in light blue linen - simply gorgeous, and the right scale for our more petite city dwellings (it also comes in a larger size for those with more space).  If you don't live in Boston, Miami, New York, or L.A., you can see his lineup on his website - full of fun and frivolity.  Worth a visit.
Happy Spring!