Monday, February 20, 2012

Spring On the Way

I'm back!  I haven't blogged for almost 2 years - frightening.  But the past two years have been busy and fluid and blogging just fell low on the priority list.  But I'm making a new commitment - certainly not daily, maybe not weekly, likely monthly - to bring you what I'm seeing in the world of decorating and living a beautiful life.   So for starters, I thought I'd post my personal Manifesto.  Enjoy, and let me know what you think!

I believe in the incredible power of our surroundings

I believe you should have dessert for dinner once a week, M&Ms in the office at ALL times, and a glass of good wine at night

I believe decorating should be fun

I believe love & music give a home its life, and laughter restores the soul

I believe every room should have an element of surprise

I believe you should get intoxicated by the beauty of France, Italy, and South Africa at least once in your life

I believe in children and pets - they are live-in comedy

I believe your style is uniquely yours

I believe happiness and style come from finding, embracing & expressing yourself loudly

I believe your home should be your oasis & sanctuary - where you are honest, real, & yourself

I believe in fairness, integrity, dignity, and kindness - ALWAYS

I believe simplicity is the essence of elegance...(ala Audrey Hepburn, Jackie O, Albert Nippon, Lillian August)

...and applaud Jonathan Adler's whimsical approach to decorating & life

I believe in the power of fuscia, the timelessness of patent leather, the clean order of fretwork, & the irreverent luxury of all things that "Bling" - think Dorothy Draper meets Kate Spade

I believe great decorating happens over time & doesn't require a bank heist (though it sure wouldn't hurt!)

I believe that beauty is important, especially from the inside out.